DreamPlay Media is growing from its roots in filmmaking into marketing for the digital age. A six-year old creative media company with offices in Newark and Los Angeles, DreamPlay creates video content that helps organizations and companies expand their digital reach. To date, the company has more than 150 projects under its belt, counting the Consulate General of Portugal, the Ironbound Business Improvement District, and the Greater Newark Enterprises Corporation among its clients.
The operation relies not just on creative storytelling but on advanced technology, as well. “We’ve helped create a market and mindset for cinematic storytelling,” says Igor Alves, who co-founded the company with his brother Yuri.
All clients and partners see is an expert execution of their message, but DreamPlay makes the magic happen with everything they do behind the scenes. They shoot B-roll (background footage) on SLR cameras with at least 1080 pixel resolution, and upload their raw footage to Adobe Creative Cloud for postproduction—to make cuts and edits, and optimize the video for various digital platforms.
“We use Vimeo in conjunction with Facebook and Instagram for original content distribution,” Alves explains. “The footage needs to meet different specs according to the network that it’s on.”
Everything from subtitles to cover images will vary based on platform specifications, and the team runs batteries of tests to make sure all their videos are optimized. The finished work is added to a continually evolving content library, where creative and technological progress is logged and tracked.
Alves hopes that sharing the stories they create online will draw a global audience. He wants to build a sustainable digital marketing model and form content distribution partnerships that go beyond DreamPlay. One project is already in the works.
“By early spring, our DreamPlay.TV series will be fleshed out and the site will be complete,” he says.
The DreamPlay team specializes in creating content that speaks to wide audiences and that works across all technological devices. The company’s overall goal is to create quality content—not just clickbait—that has significance and longevity.
“We want the storytelling to have meaning,” Alves says. “We want it to be something that we and the partners can stand behind.”